Author: knorthphotography

Farm kid turned city mom. Living life behind the lens. Up and running since 2001 and still kickin it. Holding fast to the truth in our stories and seeking the beauty in our depths. Sun chaser. Audiophile. Water enthusiast.

christina & jesse: a Kingston family wedding along historical shores

christina & jesse: a Kingston family wedding along historical shores

This wedding is a special one for me in that it is the third of three sisters who’s weddings I have been privileged to photograph: …


carolyn & ross: two stunners in love under the skyway, a Burlington shoot for lovers

carolyn & ross: two stunners in love under the skyway, a Burlington shoot for lovers

This shoot with Carolyn & Ross started in my dreams…all those long drives over the Burlington Skyway to visit my family over Niagara way…all those …


katy & jonny: a country wedding in sunny Wainfleet

katy & jonny: a country wedding in sunny Wainfleet

I was honoured and delighted to shoot a wedding in my own family this past August. It’s been a long while since the last one …


madhu & prahlad: an auspicious autumn hindu wedding ceremony

madhu & prahlad: an auspicious autumn hindu wedding ceremony

My last wedding of the season was truly exceptional, and all because of these two individuals and the love they exude for each other.  Madhu …


melinda & dan: a love story at the berkeley fieldhouse

melinda & dan: a love story at the berkeley fieldhouse

An early day portrait session, a late-morning wedding ceremony, and a Sunday brunch. What a civilized celebration for two families just getting to know one …


leah & leon: a lavish celebration at The Guild Inn Estate

leah & leon: a lavish celebration at The Guild Inn Estate

A meticulously orchestrated event on a sunny Sunday in September…a long-awaited day to make every intention clear and put aside all of life’s complications, to …


baby peter and his folks

baby peter and his folks

Lost in a townhouse somewhere in north Toronto, I get a few fleeting moments with this tiny boy and his watchful parents. Such deep pools …


vrinda & ticu: an intimate hindu ceremony in Markham

vrinda & ticu: an intimate hindu ceremony in Markham

Just a simple note is all this day needs. The bride. The groom. And a splash of family gathered in the bright light of the temple. Keeping things …


becky & nick: fun in love at the Berkeley Church

becky & nick: fun in love at the Berkeley Church

Rarely do I tell a story from start to finish. I like to begin in the middle and then work my way around and out. …


isabelle & rodrigo: wedding portraits in Toronto’s business core

isabelle & rodrigo: wedding portraits in Toronto’s business core

A classic shoot along Bay St. beginning with the hub of hustle at Union Station under peak sun! We occupied the mouths of banks and …