© 2012 knorthphotography

andrea & wayne: One King West and the Thomas Landry Gallery

These are two beautiful people who know how to make the most out their wedding day in spite of some seriously dreary weather conditions.

Andrea’s dear younger brother, who happens to be a bonafide fashion designer, built an enchanting dream of a dress for her and then lovingly stitched her into it the morning of. There were plans for a tea party—but time was short, as the white rabbit says. Folks had to enjoy Andrea’s new Wedgewood tea collection on the fly.
And then came the tears.
Over & over, at every juncture. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen so many tears of joy. Lucky for me, Andrea is truly lovely—even when she’s crying, or perhaps, especially when she’s crying.
I love it when the emotions flow as they did at this magical wedding.
The ceremony and reception took place at the esteemed Thomas Landry Gallery in the Distillery District. We managed to fleetingly take advantage of the red brick terrain over a snappy photoshoot through the rain, then slipped back inside just at dusk.

The rest tells it’s own story, enveloped in fine art, inscribed with Michael Tong’s eloquent dishes, and then delicately sealed with a kiss (and some candy of course!).